Eastern Costume

Wardrobe and Space Rentals

This interactive catalog website is built on the WordPress platform. Using, a custom tag database, the site has a powerful search and filter option to help customers find the costumes they are looking for with just a couple of clicks.

Eastern Costume


  • logo design
  • UI/UX design
  • web programming
  • fillable PDFs
  • video editing
  • channel branding
  • hosting solution


eastern costume logo 2023


This catalog website was originally architected and built in 2010 on the Drupal platform. As Drupal evolved and new versions were released, the advanced ‘fuzzy’ search feature was no longer supported by the module developer. This is an ongoing challenge when working with open source software solutions.

In 2022 the company went through a major restructuring leaving the new ownership desiring a rebranding of the decade old creative direction.



The new interactive catalog website is built on the industries leading open-source CMS: the WordPress platform. Using, a custom tag database, has a powerful search and filter option to help customers find the costumes they are looking for with just a couple of clicks. The implementation required no 3rd party plugins to rely on, making it a stable choice for the next decade to come.

5D Spectrum redesigned Eastern Costume’s logo using elements from the original vintage style logo designed in the 90s and the fonts used in 2010, providing the newly restructured company a design solution to honor its founder, Jim Livie.

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