Risk Advisor Team

Business Wellness

5D Spectrum collaborated with IOA USA Insurance broker,  Geoff Johansing, to come up with a content strategy for a website to help him reach his target customer. With a focus on business wellness, a topic that Geoff passionately talked to customers about every day, the concept of presenting his company as the Risk Advisor Team was born.

Armed with a RiskScore survey and true stories about how happy employees can lower insurance risks in the workplace, a new video blog campaign called “Happy Employees” was launched. Geoff found other expert advisors from different industries to interview on camera and discuss how the Happy Employees concept applied to their businesses. The blog was updated to accommodate the embedded YouTube videos along with Podcast Audio.

The 5D Spectrum social media team manages all channels including the website, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter to promote the video blog and other new content each month.


Risk Advisor Team


  • branding
  • corporate ID
  • UI/UX
  • custom WordPress theme
  • video & podcast editing
  • social media marketing
  • SEO
  • photography
  • hosting

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