Musicians At Play: Changing Lives One Note at a Time

Donate now to help children reconnect with music!

Music in the Classroom at a BUSD High School

The 5D Spectrum team is extremely proud to have rebranded and relaunched the Musicians At Play website!

Musicians At Play is an incredible foundation that connects students to music by offering music education, mentorship programs, and giving them the ability to perform in professional live performances in the Los Angeles area. With only being established 7 years ago, this foundation has already engaged 20K+ youths, teachers and community members.

With COVID-19 restricting in-person performances, Musicians At Play took 2020-2021 to rework their website and revamp how they’re structuring donations. Now they allow you to sponsor an artist, a class, or an instrument, in addition to giving a regular donation.

At 5D, we like to use our powers for good. We are deeply passionate about music and arts education and understand the impact we can have on students through these types of programs.

One of our passions at 5D is helping nonprofits which made working on this project such a joy. I’ve had my own kids go through BUSD and participate in the arts so it’s great to have a foundation like Musicians At Play to give other kids in the LA area the opportunity to learn and express themselves through music.

Jessica Good, Project Manager

Kids need music now more than ever, donate to help get kids back in front of their instruments!

Musician’s at Play Mentoring Program

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About: De Ivett

With over 25 years in advertising, graphic design, interactive media, software development and programming, De brings her creative and technical talents to lead the 5D Spectrum team. A well-respected voice in the industry, she has served as a technology and branding panelist for several industry conferences including Digital Hollywood.

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